Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int
partnerId int
name string V
systemName string V
description string V
type KalturaEventNotificationTemplateType V
status KalturaEventNotificationTemplateStatus
createdAt int
updatedAt int
manualDispatchEnabled bool V Define that the template could be dispatched manually from the API
automaticDispatchEnabled bool V Define that the template could be dispatched automatically by the system
eventType KalturaEventNotificationEventType V Define the event that should trigger this notification
eventObjectType KalturaEventNotificationEventObjectType V Define the object that raised the event that should trigger this notification
eventConditions array of KalturaCondition V Define the conditions that cause this notification to be triggered
contentParameters array of KalturaEventNotificationParameter V Define the content dynamic parameters
userParameters array of KalturaEventNotificationParameter V Define the content dynamic parameters
eventDelayedCondition KalturaEventNotificationDelayedCondition V Event batch job will be delayed until specific condition criteria is met
Sub classes: KalturaBooleanNotificationTemplate, KalturaBusinessProcessNotificationTemplate, KalturaBusinessProcessAbortNotificationTemplate, KalturaBusinessProcessSignalNotificationTemplate, KalturaBusinessProcessStartNotificationTemplate, KalturaEmailNotificationTemplate, KalturaHttpNotificationTemplate, KalturaKafkaNotificationTemplate, KalturaPushNotificationTemplate